Echelon NodeBuilder FX/PL Examples User Manual
Page 11
NodeBuilder FX/PL Examples Guide
Released Binaries
The NcExample device application includes a pre-built binary
application image file (.apb extension) that you can download to
your LTM-10A Platform using the LonMaker tool. This folder
also contains a pre-built text device interface file (.xif extension)
that exposes the example application’s device interface so that
the LonMaker tool can manage the example application.
After you restore the backup and load the NcExample device
application, you can test the I/O devices on the Gizmo 4 I/O
Board in a simple managed L
network (see Testing the
I/O Devices on the Gizmo 4 I/O Board later in this chapter for
how to do this).
This folder contains the user-defined functional profiles
(UFPTs), network variable types (UNVTs), and configuration
property types (UCPTs) developed for the NcExample device
NodeBuilder Project
Files (.NbOpt and
The example includes a NodeBuilder project that you can open
with the NodeBuilder tool in order browse the example
application and learn how to develop your own device
applications. The NodeBuilder project includes the following
• Options File (*.NbOpt). Contains the NodeBuilder project
options for a project. There is one options file per project.
• Project File (*.NbPrj). Contains a project definition
including the project version and a list of the device
templates and the hardware templates for a project. There is
one project file per project.
You can use the pre-built NcExample device application to observe how network variable values are
updated when you use the I/O devices on the Gizmo 4 I/O Board. To do this, you restore a LonMaker
network backup, commission the example device in the LonMaker drawing, and press the buttons on
the Gizmo 4 I/O Board.
When you are done using the NcExample device application, you can create your own example device
application. You can create a simple device application following the quick-start exercise in Chapter 3
of the NodeBuilder User’s Guide; you can create a more complex device application following the
steps described in Creating the Example Device Application later in this chapter. In both exercises,
you will go through all the steps of creating a device, including creating the NodeBuilder project, the
device template, the device interface, and the Neuron C code that implements your device interface;
implementing device functionality in the Neuron C code; building and downloading the device
application; and testing the device in a L
In the quick-start exercise in the NodeBuilder User’s Guide, you will develop a simple device with one
sensor and one actuator. The sensor is a simple sensor that monitors a push button on the Gizmo 4 I/O
Board and toggles a network variable output each time the button is pressed. The actuator drives the
state of an LED on the Gizmo 4 I/O Board based on the state of a network variable input.
In the exercise later in this chapter, you will create the NcExample device application from scratch.
This is a more complex device that uses all the I/O devices on the Gizmo 4 I/O Board: the push
buttons, LEDs, temperature sensor, LCD, and quadrature shaft encoder.
The following sections describe how to do the following:
1. Use
NcExample device application with the LonMaker tool.
2. Create
NcExample device application from scratch using the NodeBuilder tool and the
LonMaker tool.