3xLOGIC VIGIL Client User Manual
Page 55

3xLOGIC’s VIGIL Client - Users Guide Page 55
Doc# 12031914
Searching Video
Performs a search based on the current criteria.
Resets all search criteria and POS/ATM data filters to their default values. The From/To time defaults
to the past hour from when Reset is clicked.
If POS/ATM Data is configured on the VIGIL Server, this button will open the POS/ATM Data Filter
and Data Search Results sections. Click the POS/ATM Data Filter section title bar
to specify the
POS/ATM data search criteria.
Search Criteria
When first opened, the Search window defaults to a search of all cameras, recording in all modes, from the last
hour. Click the Search button to retrieve all footage meeting the specified criteria.
You can specify the start date/time and end date/time of your search. By default, VIGIL Server
allows you to search across multiple days. This can be changed to default to One Day in the DVR
Settings on the Server.
Select the connected server you wish to perform the search on.
Select the cameras you wish to perform the search on.
This drop-down menu includes preset search intervals in hourly increments from 1 hour up to 8
hours. Additionally, selections for 15 and 30 minutes can be added by checking Quick Retrieve Short
Intervals in the Settings | Search Tab. When a selection is made, the From/To times are adjusted
accordingly. Selecting Custom Search opens the Custom Search window where searches that are
performed frequently can be created or run.
Making a selection from this drop-down menu will restrict the returned footage to only the selected
type: All Modes, Constant, Motion, All Alarms, Digital Input Alarms, Motion Alarms, POS/ATM Alarms
or Video Analytics Alarms.
Video Search Results
After completing a search, the results are displayed in the Video Search Results pane as seen below. To view
the resulting video footage, click on the desired result to open Playback window.
Note: Depending on the recording configuration of your cameras, there may be no saved footage or
data matching your search criteria.