3xLOGIC VIGIL Client User Manual
Page 18

3xLOGIC’s VIGIL Client - Users Guide Page 18
Doc# 12031914
CODEC Settings Tab
The CODEC Settings tab allows advanced configuration of the recording CODEC used for storing video footage.
Normally, two video encoding CODECs are available for recording video footage: AZTECH and MPEG4, however some
models support Hardware CODECs, which have slightly different customization options.
The AZTECH CODEC is the default CODEC for most systems. To switch the recording CODEC to AZTECH, select
the AZTECH option from the CODEC drop-down menu.
Space Saving
Enables advanced compression technology to decrease the file size of recorded footage.
Note: This is a CPU intensive setting.
Adjusts the threshold used by the CODEC to identify areas of change between frames. The higher
the sensitivity, the smaller a change is encoded.
Noise Adaptive
Adjusts the noise threshold used by the comparison algorithm when determining whether a block
contains a change. When this value is increased, more noise is allowed in the block without
triggering change for that block. This feature does not decrease noise in an image.
Detect Using
Grayscale/ Color
Determines whether grayscale or color will be used to detect changes. Note: Color detection is a
CPU intensive setting.
Use B Frame
Uses bi-directional frames to decrease the file size of recorded footage. Note: This setting is
extremely CPU and Memory intensive.
MPEG4 CODEC Settings
To switch the recording CODEC to MPEG4, select the MPEG4 option from the CODEC drop-down menu.
Key-frame Rates
Sets the number of key-frames recorded per second. The higher the value, the greater the data
space needed for recording, but the higher the quality of the video.
Motion Search
Changes the size of the regions used to detect motion.
Selects the type of compression. H263 offers higher compression than MPEG4 but requires more
CPU usage.