DeLorme PN-20 User Manual
Page 88

What is GPS on page 6.
GPS Accuracy—The calculated accuracy of the GPS.
GPS Status—The current status of your GPS device (No Fix, 2-D, 3-D, etc.).
Heading—The current direction of travel.
Latitude—Position north or south of the equator in degrees; degrees, minutes; or degrees, min-
utes, seconds.
Longitude—Position east or west of the prime meridian in degrees; degrees, minutes; or degrees,
minutes, seconds.
Mark—The action of placing a waypoint on the map.
Orientation—The alignment of a map relative to the points of the compass.
Scale—The relationship between the extent of features in the real world and the size at which they
are portrayed on the map. On the Earthmate GPS PN-20, you can choose Bar, Zoom, or Ratio.
Speed—The current rate of travel for the device.
Speed (Average)—The average speed of the device including stop time.
Speed (Maximum)—The maximum speed achieved.
Speed (Moving Average)—The average speed of the device excluding stop time.
Time to Finish—The calculated time to the route finish based on the road classifications and
default speed settings.
Time to Moonrise/set—The time remaining until the moon rises and sets.
Time to Next Stop—The estimated time to the next stop in the route based on the road classifica-
tions and speed settings.