Ask Proxima DP2300 User Manual
Page 9
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Limitation of
PiDxknaCbipoiaaonvvanancsthai AfiProxima®EteiaopPiDieciDf™ produa
by Projdma k fiee fixjin defeos in maKiials and "woikmanship under
nomral use during die Wananty Period. The Wananiy Period oornmenoes on the
day of
by die end-user. Tie Warranty Period is one year. The Etesfcisop
Projeaor lamps aie not ooveiai by this Warranty.
The end-user’s sales receipt or invoke ¿owing die dace of pucdiase of the product
and the name of die Resdkris proofoi dare ofpuidia^ The Warranty eoends only
to die ordinal puidiaser and is not transfecablc.
During the Warranty Period PtoxiiTa will, at no ai&ional char^ n^jair or fqslace
di^ctiw parts or at the option of Pitsama, repkce die airiie unit.
Warranty does not extend to any
product that has been
ikma^ri or b^n rendered defecrive (a) as a resdrof axkfai^ miaise or otka- abiis^
ib) by the use of pares not manufiemred or sold by Proxima;
1^' modificarion of
the produa; or (d) as a rraik of savidng by tK»-auriioiEed pasonnd.
Tlie fcregoing Warrant)’" is iCfinsssl)' in lieu ofany other eqjiessed or implied
wanandes, induding, mdiout Hmitarion, ■ watranrics of tnerdiantabiliiy or fitness for
a particular purpose. To the eramt not pmhSiisal by kw, di staEtfflojywananries are
and excluded fiorn this Warranty. Proxima ejipressfy disdaiim all
wMimries not
Wanting: This a|uipmerit gaieiaics, uses and can ladiase radio fiequenqr eiMgy
and, ifirotinstaUed and Lised in aaoniancevrii the iristtactiorimattualjii:^ cause
interfeience to radio coiiuiiimicaoons. It has been ttsted and fixind to compb" vrfdi
limis for a Qass
compuring device pursuant to Subpart B ofPart
rf the
RXl iiuies, which arc dcsignai to prewide reasonable protection ag^ina: aicfa
interfetence sdasn operaKd in a corrfflMidal envirotunart Opetatkm of this
eqttipment fo a leskkntial a№ is lifcdy to cause iritErferenoe in which case the user, at
his own opense, will be required to take whatever UKasuKs may be necessay to
osrFeci knEtfetenoe.
Tra dema rk s
and Coisyrlghte
of dieir reflective tmiieis. i
Piojecror 2300. Other IJ.S. and fors^ parents step
sub^at-te'diat^ vrithout notice,'