Exercise guide – Sears 831.159341 User Manual

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Tbe CROSS TRAINER e is a tool, ond learning to use if proper!/ is essenfiol for your safely as well os ibe success of

your exercise program. Reod ibis owner's monuol ond the occompanying FITNESS JOURNAL carefully before using the

CROSS TlUyNER e. Remember, the informoKon in this owner's manual ond in the FITNESS JOURNAL is general in

nature. For more information about exercise, consult your i^ysician or obtain a reputoble book obout exercise.

WARNING; Before beginning any exercise program, consult your physiaan. This is especiolly important for persons

over the oge of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems.



In order to increase the size and strength of your muscles, you must subject your muscles to obove-normol workloods.

You must also progressively increase the intensity of your exercise so that your muscles will continue to odapt and

grow. Each Individual exercise can be tailored to the proper Intensity level by changing the weight setting, or the num­

ber of repetitions or sets completed. The proper Nvelght setting ond numbers of sets and repetitions for each exercise

depends upon the Individual user. Each workout should Include obout ó to 10 different exercises. Select exercises for

every mojor muscle group, with emphasis on ihe oreos that you wont to develop the most. To give bolonce ond variety

to your workouts, vary the exercises from workout to workout. WARNING: If you ore under age 17, workouts should

consist exclusively of tone exercises. Unsupervised workouts consisting exclusively of strength exercises are not rec­

ommended by exercise physiologists.


To feme your muscles, select moderate weight settings ond inereose the number of repetitions in eoch set. Work your

muscles by compleKrtg more repetitions rather then by using high weight settings.


To lose weight, select low weight settings ond increase the number of repetitions in eoch set. Exercising on the stepper

will also help you to bum Colories and shed extra pounds.


In the pursuit of a complete and well-balanced fitness program, mony have found thot cross training is the onswer. The

' CROSS TRAINER e Is Ideal for cross training. By combining weight training wih aerobic exercise, you can reshape ond

strengthen your body, plus develop a stronger heart ond lungs.


In order to obtoin the greatest benefits from exercising, it is essentiol to maintoin proper form. Motntoining proper form

means moving through the full range of motíon for each exercise, and moving only the oppropriote ports of the body.

On poges 17 through 24 of this owner's monuol, you will find photogrophs showing the correct form for each exercise.

A description of each exercise ¡s olso provided, olong with a list of the muscles affected. Refer to the muscle chart in the

occompanying FITNESS JOURNAL to find the locofions of the muscles. As you exercise, the repetitions ¡n eoch set

should be peiformed smoothly ond without pausing. The exertion phase of each repetition should last only about half

os long as the return phase. Rest for 1 minute after eoch set if you ore dolrtg a tone exercise, and 3 minutes offer each

set if you ore doing a strength exercise. Plon to spend the first two weeks learning the proper form for eoch exercise.