7 operation (dual mutual standby) – Winco DSE7300 Series User Manual
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DSE Model 7000 Series Control and Instrumentation System Operators Manual
Part No. 057-074 7000 Series OPERATING MANUAL ISSUE 5 15/10/2009 ADM
Dual Mutual Standby is only available in DSE7210 and DSE7310 series V2.0 or above.
Load Balancing is only available in DSE7000 series V4 or above.
The following description details the sequences followed by a module containing the standard ‘factory configuration’
modified to allow two controllers to operate in Dual Mutual Standby.
The operating modes are as per Standalone operation with the dual mutual functions detailed below.
Remember that if you have purchased a completed generator set or control panel from your supplier, the module’s
configuration will probably have been changed by them to suit their particular requirements.
Always refer to your configuration source for the exact sequences and timers observed by any particular module in
the field.
Screen shot from DSE Configuration Suite PC Software showing the configuration of the Master and Slave controllers.
Dual Mutual Standby will allow the generators to operate fully automatically, starting and stopping as required with
no user intervention, with the master backed up by the slave. It is also possible to configure the master to change
duty based upon a scheduler, to allow for ‘load balancing’ (V4 or above only)
If a starting request is made, the starting sequence will begin.
Starting requests can be from the following sources:
Activation of an auxiliary input that has been configured to remote start
It is usual that one remote start signal controls both modules In this instance, the Master will start
its generator. Should the Master fail, it instructs the Slave to start and take the load.
If the Master running and the remote start signal is given to the Slave, the Slave will not start its
generator until the Master generator fails.
Activation of the inbuilt exercise scheduler.
In dual mutual standby operation the scheduler operates totally independently to the Master/Slave
scheme. Both generators could start, but only one will be allowed to close its load switch to power
the load.
NOTE:- In all operating modes, only one module will be permitted to close its load switching device.