Sonics E-Press User Manual
Page 22
Sonics E-Press Manual
Page 22
10.0 Running the Stepper Utility Program
- Both controllers, the Stepper Motor Controller and
the Ultrasonic Power Supply, should be powered and connected before starting the Stepper Utility Program.
The stepper utility program will be an .exe file called G-Series EP_Utility located on the hard drive in the
c:\EP UTILITY directory. If the computer system has been supplied by Sonics & Materials, then the stepper
software will have been preinstalled and a short cut icon created on the computer desktop. A standard
stepper icon file is provided for that purpose.
Run the Stepper Utility Program by double clicking the E-Press icon on the desktop or by running the EP Utility
.exe file using the Windows START button. A typical startup splash screen will first be displayed for a few
seconds followed by the stepper programming form once the system has been identified. When the stepper
form is displayed, make sure that the power supply is also on.
NOTE: The GX power supply does not need to be connected for the system to function.
Two communications ports are required in the users computer system as previously described. Select w
COMM ports, from COMM1 through COMM 12. One port must be connected to the Stepper controller and a
second to the GX ultrasonic power supply. When the program is run for the first time, an identification screen
will prompt the operator to identify which ports are connected to each controller. Once the system has been
identified and the ports exist within the computer, the configuration is stored in a small file that will be used the
next time the welding system is powered up. The identification screen will not be displayed again provided
that the control systems and computer ports are found and verified the next time the program is run. If the
ports and controllers cannot be found, the identification screen will prompt the user to assign Comm ports
again. If the identification screen is shown but the configuration has not changed the controllers may not be
responding. Check the power and connections, terminate the program and start it again (see below). If the
system is found and identified normally, it will take approximately 7 seconds to retrieve the presently
programmed values from the stepper controller. The proper assigned ports and controllers must be found in
order to continue beyond this identification screen. The system will continue to return to this screen until the
proper conditions exist.
The COMM Port Identification Screen
Use the drop down arrows to specify the Comm port connections for the E-Press controller and ultrasonic
power supply. The system will not allow the same selection for both ports or the specification of ports which
do not exist in the users PC system. When the proper selections have been made, click OK to proceed with
system communication.