Sonics E-Series User Manual
E-series troubleshooting guide

E-Series Troubleshooting Guide
The following guide will help troubleshoot any E-Series power supply.
Most overload issues are caused by the following in this order:
Cracked or loose horn
Bad convertor
Application related such as too much air pressure, too much amplitude, a change in setup, changes in the
actual parts you may be welding, part placement, etc.
Please verify all of these before continuing with the troubleshooting or sending the unit in for
repair. Many times, units are sent in to us for a repair and there is nothing wrong with them. This is
because the problem was application related.
Try the following:
a) Swap out the horn. If there is no spare horn available, remove the horn from the booster and press the
test button. If there are still overload issues, continue below.
b) Swap out the convertor (this is the part that is connected to the top of the booster) If there are still
overload issues, continue below.
The components shown may be slightly different depending on the model number, but the procedure is the
same. Label all harnesses and wires that are disconnected in the process so that reinstallation is correct.
Common symptoms are no output or constant overloads. This guide will address those issues.
1) Remove cover from power supply