Drawmodes, Using drawmodes – PRG Mbox Designer Manual 3.8 User Manual

Page 95

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Using Drawmodes

The Drawmodes feature provides control over how a 3D object is lit and how it interacts with other layers. Drawmode
has its own control channel with several modes:

For a complete channel map, refer to

"Draw Mode"

on page 228.

Drawmodes 0-9 listed above can be used in various combinations with the Orthographic mode (

page 88

) and the

Layer Blending mode (

page 92

) to achieve the desired result.

For example, to have a layer use Orthographic drawmode, cut the
stencil, and then use Subtractive Layer blend mode to add the three
values together to get the value for the Drawmode channel:
16 (Orthographic) + 2 (Cut Stencil) + 128 (Subtractive Blend) = 146


Mode 1, Light, automatically raises the ambient lighting level to 100%
for the selected layer only. This control works with both gobos and 3D
objects and enables objects (and their applied textures) to be seen
without affecting the lighting on other layers.

To achieve the results shown in the images to the right, do the

Set the Camera intensity to 100% and then, on Layer 1 only,
with all other attributes set to default values, set the opacity
to 100%. (You should see a white square.)

With Layer 1 still selected, choose object folder 3, file 0. (The
screen should be black - you cannot see anything.)

At Drawmode control, change from 0 to 1. The gobo should
now be visible. Feel free to experiment with the gobo at this
point. Because it is essentially a 3D object (but with no
thickness on the Z axis), you can do pretty much everything
to it that you can do to a 3D object: scale, rotation, spin, and
X/Y/Z position. Most importantly, you can apply a texture.

Image 4 is the same gobo with a texture applied. In this
case, it is acting like a mask; the texture is applied onto the
gobo, but it appears you’re looking through the gobo to a
layer behind it. However, you’re only using one layer not two.
You can set the Drawmode back to 0 and try out the other
lighting fixtures to see how they affect the gobo.


0 = Idle


1 = Light


2 = Cut Stencil


3 = Cut plus Light


4 = Cut and Draw


5 = Cut, Draw plus Light


6 = Draw Thru Stencil


7 = Draw Thru plus Light


8 = Draw Onto Stencil


9 = Draw Onto plus Light


16 = Orthographic View