PRG Mbox Designer Manual 3.8 User Manual
Page 126

Setup tab, or twice that size if one of the Panoramic output modes is being used (see
page 52). The pixel-mapping context’s origin is at the bottom left of the grid and that origin is position (0,0).
Figure 5-1: Pixel-Mapping Concept
The size of the pixel-mapping context plays a large role in how the pixels in the screen image are converted into Art-
Net. You could create a 1 x 1 context or one that is 1000 x 1000. In the first case, the entire screen would be reduced
to one pixel in the map, and the results would be pointless. In the second case, you could have a very high resolution
setup, but it would require a great number of fixtures to be worthwhile. You should try to avoid extremely large context
sizes, as doing so requires extra processing. If you need a large amount of pixel-for-pixel mapping of your video to
LED fixtures, you may be better served by using an existing video pixel-mapping product rather than the Mbox pixel-
mapping. You should strive to create a pixel-mapping context that is as small as possible while still allowing you to
map your content to fixtures in the manner that you desire. Initially some trial and error may be required. If you are
unsure where to begin, start with the context at its default size of 50 x 50 and then experiment once you have patched
your fixtures.
If you click on the pop-up list in the fixtures area, you will find a list of stock fixture choices. The fixtures in this list are
mainly RGB LED fixtures, but there are also selections for intensity fixtures (dimmers) and moving light fixtures (both
CMY and CYM). To begin, pick one simple type of fixture from the list. To place one or more of these fixtures in the
pixel-mapping context, click the Place New Fixtures button - it will darken to indicate that you are in fixture
placement mode - then click anywhere on the grid. This will place a fixture on the context grid.
Notice that the fixture, when highlighted, has one red pixel (the origin) while the remaining pixels are blue. Even when
not highlighted, the origin pixel will be slightly darker than the rest. When you place a fixture on the context grid, an
entry for that fixture is added to the table on the right of the grid. Mbox will automatically patch fixtures in order (as
you place them) beginning with Dest 16. Therefore, you can reduce your patch time by placing fixtures in order.
However, you can modify the patch information for any fixture at any time.
To add fixtures connected to a KiNET_DMXOUT power supply, enter Dest numbers higher than 256. Addresses 1-
256 will be on the first port of the DMXOUT supply, and addresses 257-512 will be on the second port (if the
supply has more than one port).
To add fixtures connected to a KiNET_PORTOUT power supply, enter Dest numbers higher than 256 then a
period and then a numerical suffix 1 - 99 (e.g. 301.1) with the suffix being the number of the fixture's physical
output port on the power supply. Addresses 1-72 maybe be used for each port.
Note: If you edit your patch and allow two fixtures to share a range of channels, the text in the table row of both
overlapping fixtures will turn red.
In the illustration above, a 50 x 50 context has been applied over a fullScreen size
of 800px x 600px. Each rectangular subdivision of the context will be (800px/50) x
(600px/50), or 16px x 12px. Mbox will average (sample) the color/intensity values
for each 16px x 12px area of the screen image. Each sample is used to create one
"pixel" in the map. This pixel is then used to generate pixel-mapping output levels.