PRG Mbox Designer Manual 3.8 User Manual

Page 217

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To add a control, click on the "+" button. To remove the currently selected control, click on the "-" button. If more than
one control exists, use the up/down arrows or Control pop-up to toggle between the controls. Next, use the Source
pop-up to select the type of control data being received - Constant, DMX (Art-Net), or SADI.


Constant - offset values set on the Controls tab will affect the parameter, but there is no external control.


DMX - additional Art-Net can be patched to the Mbox server to control the parameter.


SADI - reserved (i.e. DO NOT USE)

Constant controls can be used to make adjustments to an object or the texture on the object without affecting the
Geometry or Texture settings of the original file. Using controls with additional Art-Net is where the power and
flexibility lies. When you select DMX as the source for data, additional settings will be available for setup.


Data Type - refers to the format of the incoming ArtNet data.


u8 - unsigned 8-bit integer, 0-255 with a default of 0.


o8 - offset 8-bit integer, 0-255 with a default of 127.


s8 - signed 8-bit integer, -128 - 127


u16 - unsigned 16-bit integer, 0-65535 with a default of 0.


o16 - offset 16-bit integer, 0-65535 with a default of 32767.


s16 - signed 16-bit integer, -32768 - 32767


s32 - signed 32-bit integer, -2,147,483,648 - 2,147,483,647


Univ - Art-Net Universe (0 - 255).


Address - start address for this control, within the selected universe (1 - 512).


Stride - if this control is to be repeated for each patched layer of Mbox, the Stride parameter sets the offset per
layer for the control. For Example: If your server has eight different 8-bit controls, each using one channel of data,
then your Stride should use a value of 8. Without a Stride setting, the control will affect all layers at the same time.


Min - sets a minimum value for the control using the scale of the selected Data Type.


Max - sets a maximum value for the control using the scale of the selected Data Type.

The most common Data Types are the u8, o8, u16, and o16. These types are easily created by any external ArtNet
source and the ranges work well for manual or automated control of any of the selectable parameters (see below). The
signed integer types are typically reserved for data coming from a scenic system as require additional data conversion
that is not available from normal Art-Net sources.

The Control Parameter refers the property of the layer that the control will affect.


Position -position of the object in 3D (X/Y/Z) coordinates


Rotation -rotation of the object in 3D (X/Y/Z) coordinates


Texposition -position of the texture on the object in 2d (X/Y) coordinates


Opacity -transparency of the object

Position, Rotation, and Texposition are well suited for unsigned or offset 8, 16, or even 32-bit controls. Opacity is best
suited for an unsigned 8-bit control.

The remaining settings on the Controls tab configure the direction and scaling factor between the control and the
incoming data source.


"Travel -range of travel that you want the object to attain. The Travel setting should be entered in the unit scale of
the control type and the object type.


Position is entered in the same units of measurement used for the topo file's geometry settings. This is typically
the real-world measurement as used for object and projector positioning. However in the case of Pixel Rects
this would be pixels.


Rotation is entered in degrees.


Texposition is entered in pixels.


Opacity is a value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).