Wheel stack and/or frost (diffusion) issues – PRG Bad Boy Field Service Manual User Manual
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Wheel Stack and/or Frost (Diffusion) Issues
Status screen is displaying errors for Dimmer, Strobe, Color Wheels, Gobo Wheel, Iris and/or Frost mechanisms
Details: Upon power-up, all mechanisms in the fixture will execute a calibration routine. Each mechanism must pass its
calibration test or it will disable itself and possibly other mechanisms. The Wheel Stack Assembly contains 12 separate
functions that it will test. After calibration, the status of each of these mechanisms, or mechanisms controlled outside the
Wheel Stack such as the Frost function, will be displayed on the Status screen by the color of their mechanism name
abbreviation or "sub-code." These mechanisms are:
+ Dimmer Wheel - DIM
+ Strobe - STR
+ Cyan Filter Wheel - CYA
+ Yellow Filter Wheel - YEL
+ Magenta Filter Wheel - MAG
+ Designer Filter Wheel - DES
+ Gobo Wheel 1 - GO1
+ Gobo Wheel 1 Index - IN1
+ Gobo Wheel 2 - GO2
+ Gobo Wheel 2 Index - IN2
+ Beam Size Iris - IRS
+ Diffusion (Frost) Paddle - FRO
If the sub-code is green, that particular function on the Wheel Stack has passed the calibration test. If the sub-code is red, that
function did not pass and is disabled. (Refer to
Procedure: Ensure that all Wheel Stack cables are securely connected. Check for blown fuses. On each of the three Wheel
Controller PCB’s, there are four (4) motor drivers. There is a 2 Amp Timed (Slo-Blow) Fuse to protect each of the four drivers.
They provide power for both the servo motors and the stepper motors. If during calibration or operation, you observe a
mechanism servo motor or stepper motor that appears to have no power, locate the Wheel Controller PCB and the driver for
that motor. Check the driver and fuse for that motor. If cables are secure and there are no blown fuses, replace the Wheel
Stack Assembly.
CAUTION: There are no field-serviceable parts in the Wheel Stack Assembly. Do not attempt to disassemble the Wheel Stack
Assembly. Replace with a spare assembly in the event of a failure.
Solution: Replace 2A Fuse...
Solution: Replace Wheel Stack Assembly...
Output beam is not diffusing or has a different degree of diffusion than other fixtures, and the Status screen does not
indicate a frost calibration error (FRO: Cal Error)
Details: The most common cause of this problem is that one or more of the two diffusion filters have detached from the paddle
Procedure: Remove Head Cover and examine the Diffuser Paddle Assembly. There should be two different frost paddles
attached to the paddle frame. If there is not, replace the Diffuser Paddle Assembly.
Solution: Replace Frost/Diffuser Paddle Assembly...
"FRO: Cal Error" is displayed in Status Log and FRO sub-code is red
Details: During calibration, the FRO sub-code will be red on the Status screen if problems exist with the Diffuser Sensor PCB.
Procedure: At Recalibrate screen, initiate a re-calibration of the mechanism. If it remains red, remove Head Cover and ensure
that the Diffuser Sensor Cable is firmly connected to the header on the Sensor PCB. Initiate calibration for the diffuser again.
You will see the paddle assembly move toward the Sensor PCB. The sensor’s red LED should be
on. The paddle has a magnet
that will pass over the sensor and it should turn green when it comes in proximity to the magnet. If it does not turn green,
replace the Diffuser Sensor PCB.