NM Engineering 83.159.4300.72 User Manual
Page 10

Remove the caliper with the stock brake line at-
tached. There may be some leakage from the
open end of the brake line, especially if the pads/
pistons on the caliper are retracted.
Note: F
ote: F
ote: F
ote: F
ote: Factor
actory-installed caliper bolts may be
y-installed caliper bolts may be
y-installed caliper bolts may be
y-installed caliper bolts may be
y-installed caliper bolts may be
very tight. Ensure that you have a good pur-
very tight. Ensure that you have a good pur-
very tight. Ensure that you have a good pur-
very tight. Ensure that you have a good pur-
very tight. Ensure that you have a good pur-
chase on the bolt head, and that you are in a
chase on the bolt head, and that you are in a
chase on the bolt head, and that you are in a
chase on the bolt head, and that you are in a
chase on the bolt head, and that you are in a
good position to turn the wrench or socket.
good position to turn the wrench or socket.
good position to turn the wrench or socket.
good position to turn the wrench or socket.
good position to turn the wrench or socket.
Remove the stock rotor, by pulling it off of the
hub by hand.
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tock Caliper & R
aliper & R
aliper & R
aliper & R
aliper & Rotor
3541 Unit A, Lomita Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 325-4799
www.stoptech.com 10
Remove the two stock caliper bolts, using a 16mm
wrench or socket.
Note: It may be necessary to strike the outer
Note: It may be necessary to strike the outer
Note: It may be necessary to strike the outer
Note: It may be necessary to strike the outer
Note: It may be necessary to strike the outer
edge of the rotor with a non-marring mallet,
edge of the rotor with a non-marring mallet,
edge of the rotor with a non-marring mallet,
edge of the rotor with a non-marring mallet,
edge of the rotor with a non-marring mallet,
if corrosion prevents the rotor from simply
if corrosion prevents the rotor from simply
if corrosion prevents the rotor from simply
if corrosion prevents the rotor from simply
if corrosion prevents the rotor from simply
being pulled off. If so, place a wheel bolt in
being pulled off. If so, place a wheel bolt in
being pulled off. If so, place a wheel bolt in
being pulled off. If so, place a wheel bolt in
being pulled off. If so, place a wheel bolt in
one of the holes first, to prevent the rotor
one of the holes first, to prevent the rotor
one of the holes first, to prevent the rotor
one of the holes first, to prevent the rotor
one of the holes first, to prevent the rotor
from falling when it comes loose.
from falling when it comes loose.
from falling when it comes loose.
from falling when it comes loose.
from falling when it comes loose.
Remove the rotor-retaining screw, using a T-50
Torx wrench or socket, and retain the screw for
later use.