Editor preferences – Mariner Software StoryMill for Mac User Manual
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Editor preferences
• Show Ruler: check if you want the ruler on by default.
Uncheck if you want to manually show the ruler.
• Check Spelling as You Type: check this to have StoryMill
always check your spelling as you type.
• Enable Smart Quote Substitution: check this to have
StoryMill convert straight quotes to smart (sometimes
called curly) quotes. Changing this preference will not
change text that has already been typed - to convert typed
text, open your content paneʼs contextual menu by right
clicking (or control-clicking for one button mice) within it,
and choose the Substitutions→Smart Quotes option.
• Sort Bookmarks List: check this to have the bookmarks
drop-down in the chapter editing window sort annotations
alphabetically. Uncheck to have annotations displayed in
the order they fall in the text.
Use the Alternate Color button to set the background color of your
alternating items in the chapter and novel views.
The rest of the editor preferences set the defaults for text in your
text views. Click Select… to choose a default font and size using
the Mac OS X font picker. The text shown is example text in the
font you choose.
For the remaining controls, such as Default line spacing, either type
the number you want in the box, or use the arrow controls to
increment up and down. Changing the defaults will not change any
text that is already typed. To do that, you may want to use styles
, p. 38).
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