The ruler – Mariner Software StoryMill for Mac User Manual

Page 37

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The ruler

By default, the ruler is on in every text view. If the ruler is on but
your cursor is not inside the text view, youʼll see the mini ruler:

If the ruler is off, you can click inside the text view and choose
Text→Show Ruler or hit ⌃⌘R. The visible full ruler looks like this:

Use the buttons in the ruler for quick access to styles, text
justification, line spacing, and automatic lists.

Drag the “T” at the left of the ruler to set first line indent for the
selected text. Drag the downward arrow at the left of the ruler to
set the left margin of the selected text. Drag the downward
facing arrow at the right of the ruler to set the right margin of the
selected text.

To add a tab stop to the ruler, drag it from the tab stop well at the
far right (which contains, in order, a left tab stop, center tab stop,
right tab stop, and decimal tab stop). To remove a tab stop, drag
it outside the ruler and drop it.

You can insert hyperlinks in your text!
Drag and drop links from your browser,
or highlight text and choose Text→Add
to assign the link manually (or
Text→Edit Link to edit linked text).

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A tab stop in the ruler sets where text will land
in a paragraph if you hit tab. Using tab stops
you can arrange text in columns.

Text at a left tab stop is left justified, text at a
center tab stop is centered, text at a right tab
stop is right justified, and text at a decimal tab
stop is aligned based on its decimal point
(useful for columns of dollar amounts, for