Working with chapters – Mariner Software StoryMill for Mac User Manual

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Working with chapters

There are two places to edit chapters: the project window
and the item editing window.

In the project window, you can toggle open the novel view
using the arrow to its left and click on individual chapters for
the single chapter view. You can then toggle open individual
chapters in the same way to see the single scene view.

The chapters list in the novel view is best for setting statuses or
sorting your chapters. The single chapter view is best for editing
a chapterʼs aggregate text in the project window, and the single
scene view is best for working on a single scene.

In the single chapter view, the top pane in the screen
contains the chapter and scenes text. Youʼll also notice a
status bar along the bottom of the window whose content is
unique to the single chapter view (due to the inclusion of
the cursor location field):

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The word count field in the single chapter
viewʼs status bar counts all of the words
in the currently selected chapter. If you
need to know how many words are in
chapters 1-3, just select the appropriate
chapters and the aggregate word count
(along with page and characters count)
will update accordingly!