Chapter 1: storymill basics – Mariner Software StoryMill for Mac User Manual
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Chapter 1: StoryMill Basics
Welcome to StoryMill! Part word processor, part database,
StoryMill 4.0 provides every author with the tools essential to
writing a best seller: everything from project-wide annotations to
centuries-spanning timelines.
StoryMill introduces aspiring authors to multi-level writing
methods of tracking characters, scenes, and locations, while
professional writers will appreciate StoryMill's time-saving ability
to oversee and manage the full creative process with Smart
Views. Built from the ground up for Mac OS X, StoryMill offers an
innovative way to channel and fine tune the creative writing
Although StoryMill provides an impressive array of features to
help you write and track the details of your story more effectively,
none of them are required! StoryMill is incredibly flexible: it can
simply be a no-nonsense place to write and revise using its
distraction-free full screen and powerful annotations, or a
complete database of every character, location, and scene that
makes up your novel.
In order to help you jump straight into writing, this chapter
introduces the basic interface and concepts behind StoryMill and
describes how to add, edit, and delete any item in your project.
In this chapter:
• StoryMillʼs central metaphor
• The main project window
• Adding and removing items
• Editing items
• Annotations
• Adding and managing views
• Searching
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