Set the card security fence [n, Set daylight savings time [g – Keri Systems HPP-100 User Manual
Page 34

HPP-100 Hand-Held Programmer
Revision 3.3
Example . . . to reset the anti-passback mode for all access cards:
Press . . . [LVL] [9] [0] [SEND]
Set the Card Security Fence [N]
The Card Security Fence feature allows cards to be used to remotely arm or disarm an
alarm panel. To set the security fence, a slot number is designated to be a boundary
between “privileged” and “non-privileged” cards. Cards at or below this number become
privileged cards, cards that are above this number become non-privileged cards.
Privileged cards can then be used to remotely control an alarm panel. Non-privileged
cards can still be granted access, but will cause an alarm event if a privileged card has
armed the alarm panel. Please refer to the manual for the OB-3 Input/Output and Alarm
Panel Control Option Board for hardware implementation information. The factory default
value is card/slot 0, disabling this feature.
Example . . . to set the card security fence for card/slot 100:
Press . . . [LVL] [9] [6]
(the LCD displays the current
AT: 0 0 0 0
AT: _ _ _ _
Press . . . [0] [1] [0] [0]
AT: 0 1 0 0
Press . . . [SEND]
Set Daylight Savings Time [G]
Setting Daylight Savings Time is used to enable or disable the one-hour daylight savings
time change in the Master Control Reader’s clock.