Enroll cards in batch mode [g – Keri Systems HPP-100 User Manual
Page 18
HPP-100 Hand-Held Programmer
Revision 3.3
Press . . . [SEND]
Present the card to the Master Reader and the reader responds with two short-BEEPs
that signify the command is complete.
Notes on Card Enrollment:
1. Attempting to enroll a card in an occupied slot will cause the program to exit, requiring
reentering the PIN and beginning again. Attempting to enroll a card that is already
enrolled will produce a “NO-BEEP,” but will hold the program until a valid (unenrolled)
card is presented.
2. For ease of card/slot management, you should consider marking each card with the
slot number you have assigned to it. This can make it easier for you to work with the
cards within the system.
3. When cards are enrolled in the Master Control Unit, they are also enrolled in all slave
units. Slaves on the FRL will take on the programmed time zone value, slaves not on
the FRL will take on the “Never” time zone access value.
Enroll Cards in Batch Mode [G]
Enrolling cards in Batch Mode is similar to entering a single card. There must be one
empty slot per card, the slots must be in consecutive order, and one time zone must be
selected for all of the cards to follow (each card entered in batch mode will be assigned to
the same time zone).
Example . . . to enroll a batch of cards into slots 10 through 20, time zone 2:
Press . . . [ENRL]
#: _ _ _ _ TO #: _ _ _ _
Press . . . [0] [0] [1] [0] [ZIP] [0] [0] [2] [0]
(the beginning slot number to
the ending slot number - all
empty slots)
#: 0 0 1 0 TO #: 0 0 2 0