Keri Systems RPB-200 User Manual
Rpb–200 : rf receiver, Rpb–200 quick start guide, The rpb-200 rf receiver

RPB–200: RF Receiver
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100
01825-200 Rev. B
San Jose, CA 95112 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309
Web: E-mail: [email protected]
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Quick Start Guide
The RPB-200 RF Receiver
The RPB-200 can be used with the PXL-250W or the PXL-100 with an OB-7. It provides a range of up to 50 feet when
used in conjunction with a standard hard wire antenna and either mini or standard transmitter cards. There are no
switches or jumpers to set; simply install the enclosure, make the wiring connections, and the unit is ready for use.
NOTE: This document provides the instructions for connecting the RPB-200 to the PXL-250W Tiger Controller or the
PXL-100 Smart Controller. Please refer to the installation instructions provided by the RPB-200's manufacturer for
instructions on enclosure mounting and for providing power to the RPB-200.
5.00 inches High x 5.00 inches Wide x 2.00 inches Deep
12.7 cm High x 12.7 cm Wide x 5.1 cm Deep
11 inches High
28 cm High
Figure 1: RPB–200 RF Receiver