Cyclades AlterPath BladeManager User Manual
Page 93

BladeManager Web Interface: Admin Mode
AlterPath BladeManager Manual
and switches, you can define users and assign them to access the target blades
(menu option: Users), and define the triggers that will create alarms and send
email notifications (menu option: Alarm Triggers) to users.
Table 4-1: Summary of Web Forms in Admin Mode
Menu Option
Forms and their Functions
Chassis List - View list of Chassis; add, edit or delete
chassis; view logs.
Chassis Details - Edit chassis configuration details; set
or change admin password; run blade wizard.
Groups - Select the group(s) to access the chassis.
Proxies - Select the type of web proxy to use when using
the web application (i.e., IBM BladeManager).
Switch 1 - Configure a switch for the chassis.
Switch 2 - Configure a second switch for the chassis.
Switch 3 - Configure a third switch for the chassis.
Switch 4 - Configure a fourth switch for the chassis.
Blades List - View list of blades; add, edit or delete
Details - View or edit blade configuration details (e.g.,
connection type, log rotation, etc.)
Access - Select user(s) to access the current blade.
Notify - Select user(s) to be notified of an alarm
regarding the current blade.
Groups - Select blade groups.
Alarm Triggers
Alarm Trigger List - View alarm trigger list; add, edit or
delete an alarm trigger.
Alarm Detail - View or configure a selected alarm