Logs 3-18, Logs – Cyclades AlterPath BladeManager User Manual

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3: BladeManager Web Access


AlterPath BladeManager Manual

The system displays the Blade Group form:


The Logs option of the menu allows you to select and view three types of logs
pertaining to the blade(s) assigned to you:

All three logs are available for the specified blade. To access each log, select
the appropriate log type from the title bar. As with blades and alarms, you can
only view the logs of systems to which you have authorized access.

Log Type


Access Log

Logs that provide logging information (i.e.,
who accessed the blade, when and for how
long, etc.) about a particular blade.

Events Log

Logs that provide information about
notifications and alarms (who handled the
alarm, what action was taken, etc.) triggered
by a particular blade.

Data Buffer

This is a log of all transaction data generated
on the blade.