Date and time – Futaba FX-40 User Manual
Page 34
Date setting
7RXFK WKH DQG VHW WKH GDWH E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH >@ RU >@ *The date can also be set by pressing the date on the calendar shown at the left. Time setting 7RXFKWKH+RXURU0LQXWHEXWWRQDQGVHW WKHWLPHE\WRXFKLQJWKH>@RU>@EXWWRQ :KHQ WKH 6HFRQG EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKH WLPHULVVHWWRVHFRQGV Integrating timer reset 7KH LQWHJUDWLQJ WLPHU VKRZV WKH WRWDO WLPH :KHQWKH>6\VWHP7LPHU@EXWWRQLVWRXFKHG WKHWLPHULVUHVHW Date and Time 'DWHDQGWLPHVHWWLQJV\VWHPFORFNVHWWLQJDQGLQWHJUDWLQJWLPHUUHVHWWLQJ This function adjusts the system clock of the FX-40 transmitter. Perform this setting when you ŏ7RXFKWKH>'DWHDQG7LPH@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ The integrating timer can also be reset. *The integrating timer is displayed on the Home screen. ŏ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX
purchase the set and when adjustment is necessary.