] serial interface 2, ] serial interface 3, 002 x] handshake – Flintec FT-12 Manual User Manual
Page 25: 003 xx] address, 004 x] data length and parity, 005 x] checksum, 010 x ] data format, 011 x] baud rate, 012 x] handshake, 013 xx] address

FT-12 Technical Manual, Rev. 1.35 November 2010
Page 25 of 44
[002 X] Handshake
0 : No Handshake
1 : Xon/Xoff
[003 XX] Address
The address range is 1 to 99. If you enter 0, the indicator will operate without an address.
[004 X] Data Length and Parity
0 : 8 bit, no parity
1 : 7 bit, odd parity
2 : 7 bit, even parity
[005 X] Checksum
0 : Checksum byte disabled
1 : Checksum byte enabled
[01-] Serial Interface 2
This sub-block includes the parameters of the 2
serial interface.
[010 X ] Data Format
0 : No data transfer
1 : Continuous data output
2 : Print mode (refer to parameter [040])
3 : Host mode
[011 X] Baud Rate
0 : 1 200 Baud
1 : 2 400 Baud
2 : 4 800 Baud
3 : 9 600 Baud
4 : 19 200 Baud
5 : 38 400 Baud
6 : 57 600 Baud
[012 X] Handshake
0 : No Handshake
1 : Xon/Xoff
2 : Hardware
If you choose hardware as handshake, the serial interface 3 can not be used as RS232C.
[013 XX] Address
The address range is 1 to 99. If you enter 0, the indicator will operate without an address.
[014 X] Data Length and Parity
0 : 8 bit, no parity
1 : 7 bit, odd parity
2 : 7 bit, even parity
[015 X] Checksum
0 : Checksum byte disabled
1 : Checksum byte enabled
[02-] Serial Interface 3
The parameters of the 3
serial interface.
[020 X ] Data Format
0 : No output
1 : Continuous data output
2 : Print mode (refer to parameter [040])
3 : Host mode
4 : Modbus RTU High-Low*
5 : Modbus RTU Low-High**
* High word before low word at address 40001 and 40002
** Low word before high word at address 40001 and 40002
In continuous data format of the Ethernet interface, the checksum byte is disabled.
[021 X] Baud Rate
0 : 1 200 Baud
1 : 2 400 Baud
2 : 4 800 Baud
0 : 1 200 Baud
4 : 19 200 Baud
5 : 38 400 Baud
6 : 57 600 Baud
[022 X] Handshake
0 : No Handshake
1 : Xon/Xoff
[023 XX] Address
The address range is 1 to 99. If you enter 0, the indicator will operate without an address.
[024 X] Serial Mode
0 : Interface operates as RS232C (param. [012] ≠ 2)
1 : Interface operates as RS485
2 : Interface operates as 20 mA TTY Current Loop
[025 X] Data Length and Parity
0 : 8 bit, no parity
1 : 7 bit, odd parity
2 : 7 bit, even parity
The parameter [025] must be set to “0” for Modbus RTU output.
[026 X] Checksum
0 : Checksum byte disabled
1 : Checksum byte enabled