Defining the digital load cells (for ft-11d only), ] dlc configuration block – Flintec FT-11D User Manual
Page 15

FT-11(D) Technical Manual, Rev. 1.35 November 2010
Page 15 of 52
6.2. Defining the Digital Load cells (for FT-11D only)
Digital Load Cell Addressing
The parameter group [22-] is used for defining and addressing the DLCs.
[22-] DLC Configuration Block
In this section the DLCs are introduced to the indicator.
[220 X] DLC Type
0 = RC3D
This parameter must be set to “0” for type RC3D digital load cell.
[221 XX] Quantity of DLC
Enter the quantity of DLCs used in the scale. The quantity can be selected between 1 and 16.
[222 ] DLC Addressing
The following diagram shows the addressing principles of the DLCs in a weighbridge / truck scale. The
numbers in the diagram show the DLC addressing principle for easy eccentricity adjustment.
Figure 6.1
The addressing principles of the DLC’s in a weighbridge / truck scale
For addressing of DLCs, press the
The messages [222 YY] and [ XXXXXX ] will be displayed alternately.
Here: “YY” DLC
Last 6 digits of the DLC’s serial number
If you press
You can enter the S/N, by pressing the
digits. First you will see the first 3 digits of the S/N. Enter this digits by pressing the
keys. If the serial number of the DLC is less than 9 digits, the unused digits on the left must be set to “0”.
For example, if the serial number is “1234567” then “001234567” must be entered. After entering the first
3 digits, the following 6 digits are entered by pressing
Important hint:
When addressing the connected Type RC3D load cells, the load cells should always be
loaded. If the load cells are unloaded, FT-11D may show a DLC input error.
After entering all serial numbers sequentialy, the display goes to parameter group [20-]. This means all
load cells are addressed and ready to work in the scale.
For replacing any load cell, you have to re-address the new load cell in parameter [222]. After installing
the new load cell, turn on the indicator. Enter parameter [222] and then access the load cell address of
the replaced DLC. Enter the serial number of the new load cell as described in the previous paragraph.
Note: It is always assumed that the RS485 load cell bus system is correctly terminated, please see the
manual of the installed junction box.