Output matrix – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual
Page 98
The data is saved in a simple text file, which is easy to read and if necessary easy to edit.
This opens up all sorts of possibilities for manually created or adjusted calibration data.
Calibration files can also be used with
A typical calibration file might look like this:
Silent Way Calibration Data
version: 1
0 -0.98087925
1 -0.96048236
2 -0.94008547
3 -0.91968852
4 -0.89929163
(and so on - this example is truncated.)
The first two lines are an identifying header and a version number. The remaining lines are
simple pairs of numbers: the first number is a MIDI note number, and the second is the
output CV value that corresponds to that note.
Note that only notes that successfully calibrated are stored in the file, so you may find that
the note numbers start at a value higher than 0, and end at a value less than 127.
Output Matrix
The Output Matrix section lets you select which of the plug-in’s output signals appear on
which of the six plug-in outputs.