Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual
Page 33

The ‘Length’ control allows you to set a maximum length (in milliseconds) for any note.
When this is set to a value other than ‘Off’, a note off message will be generated for the
preceding note on message after the specified time, if one has not already been generated
e.g. by the closing gate.
The ‘Centre’ and ‘Slope’ controls relate the incoming CVs to the generated MIDI note
numbers. ‘Centre’ sets the note number when the incoming CV is zero; ‘Slope’ controls the
rate of change of note number with CV. So for example with the default setting of Centre =
48 & Slope = 48, a CV of -1 gives note number 0, a CV of 0 gives note number 48, and a CV
of +1 gives note number 96. If we set Centre = 60 & Slope = 40, then CVs of -1, 0 and +1
gives notes numbers of 20, 60 & 100 respectively.