In use, Manual mode, Calibrated mode – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual
Page 73

In Use
A video demonstrating the various plug-in parameters is available on the Expert Sleepers
YouTube channel
. As in the video, using an oscilloscope can help in visualising the
effect of the controls.
The ‘Enable’ button enables quantisation on the channel in
question - if the channel is not enabled, CVs pass through un-
The ‘Mode’ drop-down menu selects between ‘Manual’ and
‘Calibrated’ modes, as described below.
Manual Mode
In manual mode the full incoming CV range
from -1 to +1 is divided into a number of equal
The ‘Steps’ control sets the number of steps that
the -1 to +1 range is divided into. The ‘Fine’
control is added to the Steps control to allow
finer adjustments.
The ‘Offset’ control sets where within a step the zero line sits - refer to the video as men-
tioned above for clarification.
The ‘Transpose’ control shifts the chosen step up or down by a number of steps.
Calibrated Mode
Be sure to load calibration data as described above before trying to use Calibrated mode.
In Calibrated mode, the output CV exactly adopts one of the values from
the calibration file. If the file was generated from a successful calibration in
the Voice Controller, then this results in the Quantizer plug-in generating
CVs that exactly correspond to semitone values. As noted above, this is very
useful in conjunction with the Step LFO plug-in. A graphical display ap-
pears in the GUI showing the current output as a musical note and MIDI note number.
In this mode, the ‘Transpose’ control shifts the output CV up or down a number of steps
(or semitones, if using suitable calibration data).