Offset, Poly, Noteoffs – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual

Page 44: Virtual midi port (mac os x only)

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Swing has two controls. The knob sets the amount of swing, in percent. 50% means no
swing (the middle sixteenth note is 50% of the way between the neighbouring notes, as
normal). Higher values of swing make the middle note later; lower values make it earlier.
At 100%, the middle note is right on top of the following note.

The dropdown menu chooses between sixteenth and eighth note swing.


The Offset control applies a small delay or advance in the timing of the MIDI clock, rela-
tive to the host’s transport. This can be used to compensate for any difference in the re-
sponse time of the hardware being synced.


When set to something other than ‘Off’, the Poly control enables the plug-in’s polyphonic
MIDI splitting mode.

Normally, the plug-in simply echoes all the MIDI it receives to the chosen expander out-
put. In polyphonic mode, the plug-in interprets MIDI note on/off messages and distrib-
utes them amongst the chosen number of expander outputs. (The outputs used are the one
chosen by the ‘Output’ knob and those that follow it sequentially. So for example if Output
is set to ‘Gates 2/1’ and Poly is set to 3, then the outputs used are expander 2 outputs 1, 2
and 3.) This allows you to connect a number of monophonic synthesizers and play them as
a single polysynth.

Non-note data (e.g. pitch bend, CCs) are echoed to all the poly outputs. In particular, MIDI
clock is output to all the poly outputs, which makes for a handy way to send MIDI clock to
a number of MIDI devices from a single plug-in, even if you don’t actually want to play
them as a polysynth.


In a very few host DAWs, if the transport is stopped in the middle of a MIDI note, a note
off message is not sent to the plug-in, resulting in a stuck MIDI note. In this case, activat-
ing the ‘NoteOffs’ button will cause the plug-in to watch for matching note on/off pairs
itself, and send note offs if necessary when the transport is stopped.

Virtual MIDI port (Mac OS X only)

On Mac OS X the plug-in creates its own virtual MIDI input port, which can be directly
addressed by any other software running on the system. This can be used to send arbitrary
MIDI (including SysEx) to the ES-4 Controller’s output port, without worrying about rout-
ing it through the host DAW.

This is mainly provided for convenience when using e.g. SysEx librarians, or patch editor
applications, when it would be inconvenient (or indeed impossible) to route the MIDI
from those apps through the DAW.