Triggers/accents, Triggers, Accents – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual
Page 42

There is a pair of controls for each of the ES-4’s 5 channels i.e. the 5 possible Gate Expand-
ers. “Channel” sets the MIDI channel to respond to, or “Off”. “Base” sets the base note to
respond to, which will control the Gate Expander’s output 1. The remaining 7 outputs will
be controlled by the 7 MIDI notes above the base note e.g. if the base note is 48, outputs 1
to 8 on the Gate Expander will be controlled by notes 48 to 55.
The ‘Triggers’ button exposes 2 new sections of controls.
The ‘Triggers’ controls allow each of the 40 possible gate outputs
above to be used as a trigger instead i.e. a short pulse is emitted
at each MIDI note on, and note offs are ignored.
Each trigger length control sets the trigger time, in milliseconds,
or ‘Off’ to allow normal gate functionality.
The ‘Accents’ controls allow each even numbered gate output to
be used as a velocity-switched ‘accent’ output for the gate output
immediately below it. This is typically useful with drum synths
which have both a trigger input and an accent input e.g. the
808 range of modules. There is a demo video of this
When a gate output is enabled as an accent, it will be activated by the note for the gate be-
low when the note’s velocity is at or above 64 (mid-range). Note that it retains it’s own
separate ‘Trigger’ control (above), and can still be activated by its own MIDI note.
As a concrete example: in the image above, Accent 1/4 is enabled, meaning gate output 4
on channel 1. This makes output 4 an accent output for output 3. When output 3 is acti-
vated by a MIDI note, if the note’s velocity is 64 or more, then output 4 will be activated