Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual

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2.2.1 20/8/13

First 64 bit AAX release for Mac OS X.

2.2.0 10/4/13

Added Silent Way Logic Project.

Added controls for Interface Categories.

Silent Way Step LFO can now be reset and/or triggered by MIDI notes and/or in-
coming CVs.

Added ‘Gate Length’ control to Silent Way Step LFO.

Added ‘Random’ feature to Silent Way Step LFO.

Silent Way CV To MIDI, VST version, can now output MIDI direct to the host.

Silent Way CV To MIDI can now output MIDI directly to Silent Way Learner.

Silent Way Learner now supports MIDI polyphonic pressure messages.

Added ‘SMUX Proof’ mode for Silent Way ESX-4CV Combiner.

Fixed Silent Way Learner, VST and AU versions, to correctly output silence.

2.1.0 24/1/13

Added Silent Way Function.

Added "Calibrated" mode to Silent Way Follower.

Added "Transport2" sync mode to Silent Way LFO.

Added “Transfer” button to Silent Way Soundplane and Silent Way Follower.

Added support for the Expert Sleepers ES-5 module to Silent Way Sync.

Added sustain pedal support to Silent Way Voice Controller.

Fixed a bug that would cause Silent Way Follower to lock up the host application.

2.0.3 20/12/12

First AAX release (Mac OS X).

Fixed two issues with MIDI CC control via Silent Way Learner: bipolar parameters
(e.g. those with a value range of ±1) now take the value zero at a CC value of 64; the
various ‘divisor’ parameters (e.g. in Silent Way Sync) now behave correctly.

2.0.2 2/10/12

Fixed blank UI problem in Cubase on Windows.

2.0.1 7/9/12

Fixed a problem that prevented use of the plug-in status bar (mute, presets etc.) in
Cubase Mac OS X 32 bit.

Added the ability to skin the colours of the various graph elements in the UIs (e.g.
envelope displays).