Editing the steps/waveform, Waveform display, Setting the pattern length – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual

Page 82: Range mode

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Editing the Steps/Waveform

Waveform display



hand side of
the GUI is
where you set
up the wave-
form that the
LFO will out-

It is divided
into a number of steps, each one of which can be set to a value of your choosing. Note that
every fourth and every third dividing line is coloured differently, to aid in setting up pat-
terns in standard time signatures.

Simply click and drag the mouse to set values. You can set a number of steps in a single
gesture. As with knobs, holding shift while dragging allows for much finer control over
the value set; also holding Command (Mac OS X)/Alt (Windows) resets the value to zero.
Holding Option (Mac OS X)/Control (Windows) prevents horizontal mouse movement
from moving onto another step - useful when you have a large number of steps on screen
and you want to be sure you’re only adjusting one of them.

Setting the pattern length

The length of the pattern is set by a combi-
nation of the ‘Length Mode’ dropdown
menu and the three knobs labelled ‘Start’,
‘Length’ and ‘End’.

The Start knob always sets the start position of the pattern; the
end of the pattern is set by the Length knob if the Length Mode
menu is set to ‘Start/Length’ and by the End knob if the Length Mode menu is set to

Range mode

The ‘Range’ dropdown menu lets you select between Unipolar and Bi-
polar operation. Unipolar signals would commonly be used for gates, or
for general CVs in systems that only use positive voltages (e.g. Buchla).