Silent way step lfo, Introduction, Step lfo – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual
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Silent Way Step LFO
Silent Way Step LFO is a combination step sequencer and LFO generator. It shares many of
the features of the
plug-in, but rather than generating waveforms based on simple
sine, triangle etc. waves it generates a waveform that the user draws in the GUI. When the
waveform is interpreted as a series of discrete values, rather than as a continuous wave-
form, then the output is that of a traditional analogue step sequencer. The
in can be used to constrain the output values to musical notes.
It operates as a stereo or mono plug-in. In stereo mode, the two channels are independent
(except in ‘Quadrature’ mode - see above) and have identical controls. In mono mode, the
‘Right Channel’ controls are not used.
Any input signal to the plug-in is combined into its outputs, according to the setting of the
Input Mode control (see below). It is therefore easy, for example, to apply an LFO to the
pitch CV output of the
plug-in by simply inserting the Step LFO plug-in
on the same channel as (and after) the Voice Controller. However an input signal is not re-
quired, and the Step LFO will quite happily do its job without any input connection. In-
coming signals can also be used as CVs to trigger the advance and reset of the Step LFO, as
can incoming MIDI.
NB in Logic, if you’re not passing a signal through the plug-in, you need to load it on an
instrument channel via the ‘AU Generators’ menu.
Silent Way Step LFO also includes a controllable randomness generator for creating evolv-
ing semi-random patterns.