Portamento – Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual

Page 105

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Set the master’s output to ‘Sends Only’ (effectively disabling
it) and set each voice to receive input from the output of the
master’s track.


Set the master to output to a bus, and use this bus as the side-
chain input for the voices. NB remember to prevent the bus
from directly outputting to an audio output.

Digital Performer

Set the master to output to a bus, and use this bus as the side-
chain input for the voices. NB the voice inputs need to be
mono (or DP won’t let you load the plug-in) so use a stereo
bundle (e.g. Bus 1-2) for the master output and a mono bundle
(e.g. Bus 1) for the voice inputs.

When in polyphonic master mode, the Voice Controller continues to output envelopes etc.
via its outputs 3-6 as usual, as set up via the output matrix. However, the envelopes are
now held in the sustain stage for as long as any note is held down. You can use this to rec-
reate the playing styles of some vintage string synths, which were polyphonic but only
had a single envelope shared between all the voices (aka ‘paraphonic’).


Portamento, also sometimes called ‘Glide’, is when
pitch changes smoothly between notes rather than
suddenly jumping.

There are various portamento modes available:

Off - no portamento is applied.

Auto - the pitch always glides between notes.

Fingered - the pitch glides between notes when
played legato, and jumps otherwise.

CT Auto - as Auto but the glide always takes a fixed time, no matter how close or far
apart the two notes are. (CT stands for ‘constant time’.)

CT Fingered - as Fingered but the glide always takes a fixed time, no matter how
close or far apart the two notes are.

The ‘Time’ control sets how long the glide takes. For the CT modes, this is a value in sec-
onds; otherwise it’s just a number, where larger values mean a slower glide.

The ‘Shape’ control is only effective when using one of the CT modes. It controls the shape
of the pitch curve, where zero is linear and one is more like an exponential curve.