Expert Sleepers Silent Way v2.4.3 User Manual
Page 116

Added visual feedback of the LFO’s position in its cycle to Silent Way LFO.
Added a ‘Create ES-4 Calibration’ button to Silent Way Quantizer.
1.6.10 19/9/11
Added ‘Transpose’ and ES-4 mode options to Silent Way Voice Controller.
1.6.7 21/4/11
Added the ‘Output arrangement’ option to the VST versions of the Silent Way Voice
Controller plug-in.
1.6.6 30/3/11
Fixed the Windows version of the Silent Way CV Input plug-in for compatibility with
the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 module.
1.6.5 4/2/2011
Added the Silent Way SMUX plug-in.
1.6.4 22/11/2010
Added support for the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 module to the Silent Way CV Input
(VST only) Added a 6 channel variant of the Silent Way AC Encoder plug-in.
1.6.3 30/8/2010
(Windows only) Fixed a problem where only one plug-in’s UI would work when
multiple Silent Way plug-ins were opened in the same host.
1.6.2 9/8/2010
Added the envelope multiplier controls.
1.6.1 2/8/2010
Increased the maximum range of the Silent Way Voice Controller’s pitch bend func-
1.6.0 28/6/2010
Added support for musical scales to Silent Way Quantizer.
Changed all the plug-in names (that appear in host UIs) from “Silent Way ...” to “SW
...”, so that more of the actual name is visible when space is limited.
Fixed GUI issue in Reaper on Windows.