Landing – Dynaflite DYFA1009 User Manual

Page 43

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Your next turn will be into the wind so it will be a little

easier to maintain altitude and complete the turn.

Apply rudder in the direction required to initiate the
turn. Keep flying a "racetrack pattern" while you

maintain altitude and make small corrections (as small
as possible) to keep the desired heading.

Due to the nature of the design (a powered
sailplane) the Piece 0' Cake should gently climb at
all times, but if it seems to climb too rapidly, apply a
little "down trim" to decrease the rate of climb. If

your Piece 0' Cake requires you to hold up elevator

all the time to get it to climb, apply a little "up trim"
to resume a gentle climbing tendency.

Continue flying the "race track pattern," making
adjustments to altitude, heading and speed until the
engine quits. Once the engine quits you may even
find some rising air currents and be able to keep
your Piece 0' Cake in the air for several minutes.

Remember, your Piece 0' Cake is a "powered
sailplane" so it is going
to react slowly (ideal for
beginners) and require lots of space to maneuver.

We hope you have fun with your Piece 0' Cake and
your first attempt at R/C airplanes is successful!


Landing your Piece 0' Cake is...a piece of cake. By
now you have had a few minutes of flying time
under your belt and you should be getting to know
how the model behaves. After the engine quits your
Piece 0' Cake may not necessarily come down
immediately. If there are rising air currents about

you may catch a ride and extend your flying time.
When your Piece 0' Cake does eventually begin to
descend, just keep circling around the upwind side
of the flying field so you can land into the wind (the
same way you launched). When you reach an
altitude of about fifteen to twenty-five feet turn your

Piece 0' Cake into the wind and begin your

approach down the landing area. Keep the wings

level and use the elevator to keep the Piece 0' Cake

descending at a gentle rate. As the model
approaches the ground gradually apply just enough
up elevator to slow it down but not enough to gain
altitude. The model will proceed (now inches off the
ground) until it touches down - you've done it!
Inspect the model, fill the fuel tank, and fly it again!