Dynaflite DYFA1009 User Manual
Page 15

Q Ql 30. Use your bar sander and 150-grit
sandpaper to sand the ends of the spars, bottom
sheeting/ LE and TE's so they are even with rib W1
and W3-T.
Q Q 31. Use a sharp #11 blade to remove the
portion of balsa between the lines you partially cut
on ribs W1 and W3-T.
TIP: How To Use A Razor Plane
We highly recommend a razor plane to shape the
LE's because it is the safest, fastest and most accurate
method to remove large quantities of balsa.
A. Adjust your razor plane so it removes about
1 /64" or less balsa at a time.
B. Position the LE of the wing panel at the edge of
your work bench so it is supported and the bench
does not interfere with the razor plane.
C. Hold the razor plane at an angle to the grain
direction as shown in the photo.
D. Work slowly and inspect your work frequently -
before you know it you will have shaved the LE
down quite far.
Ul Ul 33. Use a bar sander and 220-grit sandpaper
to carefully remove any glue blobs and blend all the
ribs, spars, TE and LE.
Q Q 32. See the "Tip" that follows. Then use a
razor plane, a hobby knife with a carving blade, or
a #11 blade to roughly carve the leading edge
according to the sketch. Note: Leave the leading
edge at least 1/16" high in front of ribs W1 and
W2 to accommodate the top sheeting. You will final
sand the LE after you join the inner panels to the
outer panels and glue the top sheeting in position.
Q 34. Arrange the plan so the left inner wing panel
is over your building board. Cover it with wax
paper. Return to step 4 and build the left inner wing
panel the same way as the right. Don't forget to
switch to the left wing panel plan so you do not
build two right panels.