Dynaflite DYFA1009 User Manual
Page 32

U 2. Cut the covering for one half of the bottom of
the stab so it is approximately 2" oversize. Use a
straightedge to cut the end that aligns with the lines
you drew that indicate the fuselage. Use a Top Flite
MonoKote Iron with a Hot Sock to securely bond the
covering to the perimeter (LE, TE, tip, middle) of
the stab.
Ll 4. Seal the front, rear and tip of the covering to
the stab. Then heat the covering as you pull and
stretch it around the tip. It takes a little practice to get
all the wrinkles out so don't be discouraged if it
doesn't look perfect on your first attempt (or the
second or third time). You can reheat and stretch the
covering many times. It helps to place the stab on
your work bench or a stand so the tip is over the
edge, and place a weight on top of the stab to hold
it down. This will allow you to pull the covering with
one hand and hold the iron in your other hand.
Q 3. Place the stab right side up on your building
table (preferably on a cutting mat if you have one)
and use a straightedge to trim the covering about
3/32" from the LE, TE and tip, but leave a "handle"
at the corner so you can stretch the covering around
the tip as you heat it.
LJ 5. Cut the excess covering from the tip with a
single-edge razor blade or a sharp hobby knife.