Dynaflite DYFA1009 User Manual

Page 2

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Required Accessories ......................................3

Setting Up Shop..............................................4
Required Supplies & Tools................................4

Optional Accessories.......................................4

Building Notes................................................5
Common Abbreviations...................................5

Types Of Wood...............................................5
A Note About Cyanoacrylate Glue...................6
Metric Ruler................................................... 6

Build The Tail Surfaces ......................................7

Build The Rudder.............................................


Build The Fin, Stabilizer & Elevator...................8
Finish The Tail Surfaces....................................8

Build The Wing...............................................10

Build The Inner Wing Panels ..........................10
Build The Outer Wing Panels .........................15
Prepare The Panels For Joining ......................17

Join The Inner Wing Panels............................17
Join The Outer & Inner Wing Panels...............18

Finish The Wing............................................ 18

Build The Fuselage.......................................... 19

Build The Formers .........................................19
Prepare The Fuselage Sides ...........................19

Join The Fuselage Sides.................................20

Sheet The Bottom Of The Fuselage..................22
Install The Firewall........................................22
Install The Servos & Pushrod Guides...............23
Sheet The Top Of The Fuselage.......................24

Mount The Landing Gear...............................26
Mount Your Engine.......................................27

Align The Tail Group......................................28

Align The Stab..............................................28
Align The Fin ................................................29


Prepare The Model For Covering....................30

Covering Tips ...............................................30

How To Cover Your Model .............................30

Covering Sequence .......................................32

Final Construction...........................................33

Shape The Flying Surfaces.............................33

Join The Tail Surfaces To The Fuselage ............33

Hinge The Control Surfaces............................34


Final Hook Ups & Checks................................35

Connect The Servos.......................................35
Finish Installing The Radio..............................36
Balance Your Model ......................................38
Set The Control Throws..................................38


Charge The Batteries .....................................39
Ground Check The Model..............................39
Gather Your Tools..........................................39
Range Check The Radio.................................40

Engine Safety Precautions...............................40
Flying ............................................................41

Find A Safe Place To Fly ................................41



Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the
Dynaflite Piece 0' Cake. The Piece 0' Cake is a
"powered sailplane" or "motor glider" and is an ideal
model to learn radio controlled flying - especially if

you are not able to locate an experienced flight

instructor and must try it on your own. Because of its
large wingspan and light wing loading, the Piece 0'
Cake is a gentle model that will give you time to think

and react. For the same reasons/ you must reserve
first flight attempts for a calm day - more on that in
the "Flying" section at the end of the manual. The
Piece 0' Cake does not require a powerful engine.
Any .049 will do the job - all the engine has to do is
provide a little thrust and the large wing will do
the rest!

The way you fly the Piece 0' Cake is to let it climb (it
will do that almost by itself with just a little guidance

from you) and fly it around rather like a sailplane.

This doesn't sound like much action but don't worry; if

you're a beginner you'll be busy. Most important,
you'll develop the hand/eye coordination required to

fly traditional sport/trainers. Enough said. Please read
the rest of the preliminary information thoroughly,
then let's get started!