Dynaflite DYFA1009 User Manual

Page 34

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Q 1. Due to the lightweight structure of the Piece 0'
Cake and the shrinkage of the covering, the wing,
fin, rudder, elevator and stab can warp or twist.
Correct the twists by carefully twisting the part in the
opposite direction of the built-in twist, then heat the
covering with your iron or heat gun until the twist is
removed and the part is flat.

Add "washout" to the wing tips. Washout is where
the trailing edge of the wing at the tip is twisted
upward. This gives the wing tip a lower angle of
attack than the rest of the wing and will reduce the
tendency for the wing to "tip stall."

LJ 2. Lay the outer panel of the right wing on your
building table. Place a 1/4" piece of balsa under
the wing tip at the trailing edge. Heat the covering
until the wrinkles disappear and the wing will stay
twisted without the shim. You may have to heat the
bottom of the outer wing panel too.

Q 3. Add washout to the left outer panel the same
way. Make sure the inner wing panels are flat and

warp free as described in step 1.

LJ 1. Test fit the stabilizer and fin to the fuselage to

make sure none of the covering interferes with the

glue joints and areas that are exposed balsa.

LJ 2. Apply a film of 30-minute epoxy to the
exposed balsa on the bottom of the stab and the
stab saddle area of the aft fuse. Then position the
stab on the fuse. Use the centerlines on the top of the

stab and fuse, and the exposed balsa on the bottom
of the stab, as a guide to align the stab with the fuse.
Use T-pins, weights or clamps to hold the stab to the
fuse until the epoxy fully cures. Use a cloth
dampened with alcohol to wipe away excess epoxy
before it cures.

LJ 3. Use epoxy to glue the fin to the stab and fuse.

While you align the fin, use a builder's triangle to

make sure the fin is perpendicular. Use T-pins to hold
the fin in position until the epoxy fully cures. Some
modelers may prefer to glue the fin in position with
medium CA and this is acceptable as long as you

can achieve proper alignment before the CA cures.

CJ 4. Test fit the fin reinforcements to the fin and
stab/ then glue them in position with medium CA.