Digilent 410-202P-KIT User Manual
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chipKIT™ Max32™ Board Reference Manual
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6. Power Supply – 5V Regulator
This on-board 5V voltage regulator regulates the input voltage applied at the external power
connector to 5V. This is used to power the 3.3V regulator and to provide 5V power to expansion
shields. This regulator can provide up to 800mA of current.
7. J2: Shield Power Connector
This connector provides power to I/O expansion shields connected to the board.
8. PIC32 Microcontroller
The PIC32MX795F512L microcontroller is the main processor for the board.
9. J5, J7: Analog Signal Connectors
These connectors provides access to analog/digital I/O pins on the microcontroller.
10. User LED
LED connected to digital signal pin 13.
11. J6, J8, J9, J15: Digital Signal and Power Connectors
These are shown as four connectors in the Max32 schematic. There is a single connector loaded
across all four when the board is assembled. These provide 5V power, ground, and access to digital
I/O pins on the microcontroller to shields connected to the board.
12. JP3 & JP4: SPI Master/Slave Select Jumpers
These jumpers are used to switch the SPI signals for use of the Max32 board as an SPI master device
or as an SPI slave device. Both jumpers should be switched together. Place the shorting blocks in the
MASTER position for master operation and in the SLAVE position for slave operation. Normally, these
jumpers are in the MASTER position.
13. J13: SPI Signal Connector
This connector provides alternative access to the SPI signals. This is used by some shields for access to
the SPI bus.
14. J3, J4, J14: Digital Signal Connectors
These connectors provides access to digital I/O pins on the microcontroller.
15. J18 - I
Dedicated I
C signals. These signals are connected directly to I
C1 on the microcontroller and are
shared with pins 20 and 21 on connector J4.
16. Communications Status LEDs
These LEDs indicate activity on the USB serial interface.