Comtrol eCos User Manual

Page 98

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Kernel Real-time Characterization

Peek [empty] mbox

This test measures the


call. An attempt is made to peek the value in each mailbox, which

is currently empty. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of checking a mailbox for a value without

Put [first] mbox

This test measures the


call. One item is added to a currently empty mailbox. The purpose

of this test is to measure the cost of adding an item to a mailbox. There are no other threads currently waiting
for mailbox items to arrive.

Peek [1 msg] mbox

This test measures the


call. An attempt is made to peek the value in each mailbox, which

contains a single item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of checking a mailbox which has data to

Put [second] mbox

This test measures the


call. A second item is added to a mailbox. The purpose of this test

is to measure the cost of adding an additional item to a mailbox. There are no other threads currently waiting
for mailbox items to arrive.

Peek [2 msgs] mbox

This test measures the


call. An attempt is made to peek the value in each mailbox, which

contains two items. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of checking a mailbox which has data to

Get [first] mbox

This test measures the


call. The first item is removed from a mailbox that currently contains

two items. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining an item from a mailbox without blocking.

Get [second] mbox

This test measures the


call. The last item is removed from a mailbox that currently contains

one item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining an item from a mailbox without blocking.

Tryput [first] mbox

This test measures the


call. A single item is added to a currently empty mailbox. The

purpose of this test is to measure the cost of adding an item to a mailbox.

Peek item [non-empty] mbox

This test measures the


call. A single item is fetched from a mailbox that contains a

single item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining an item without disturbing the mailbox.

Tryget [non-empty] mbox

This test measures the


call. A single item is removed from a mailbox that contains

exactly one item. The purpose of this test is to measure the cost of obtaining one item from a non-empty