Setting up and testing redboot – Comtrol eCos User Manual
Page 221

Chapter 5. Installation and Testing
loader can be accessed over the serial port at 115200/8N1. Using this loader, the contents of the iPAQ flash memory
can be saved to a Compact Flash memory card.
NOTE: We have only tested this operation with a 32Mbyte CF memory card. Given that the backup will take
16MBytes + 1KByte, something more than a 16MByte card will be required.
Use the "r2c" command to dump Flash contents to the CF memory card. Once this completes, RedBoot can be
installed with no fear since the Parrot loader can be used to restore the Flash contents at a later time.
If you expect to completely recover the state of the iPAQ Win/CE environment, then HotSync should be run to
backup all "RAM" files as well before installing RedBoot.
The next step in installing RedBoot on the iPAQ actually involves Windows/CE, which is the native environment
on the unit. Using WinCE, you need to install an application which will run a RAM based version of RedBoot.
Once this is installed and running, RedBoot can be used to update the flash with a native/ROM version of RedBoot.
Using ActiveSync, copy the file OSloader to your iPAQ.
Using ActiveSync, copy the file redboot_WinCE.bin to the iPAQ as bootldr in its root directory. Note: this is not
the top level folder displayed by Windows (Mobile Device), but rather the ’My Pocket PC’ folder within it.
Execute OSloader. If you didn’t create a shortcut, then you will have to poke around for it using the WinCE file
Choose the
Tools->BootLdr->Run after loading from file
menu item.
At this point, the RAM based version of RedBoot should be running. You should be able to return to this point by
just executing the last two steps of the previous process if necessary.
Installing RedBoot on the iPAQ - using the Compaq boot loader
This method of installation is no longer supported. If you have previously installed either the Compaq boot loader
or older versions of RedBoot, restore the Win/CE environment and proceed as outlined above.
Setting up and testing RedBoot
When RedBoot first comes up, it will want to initialize its LCD touch screen parameters. It does this by displaying a
keyboard graphic and asks you to press certain keys. Using the stylus, press and hold until the prompt is withdrawn.
When you lift the stylus, RedBoot will continue with the next calibration.
Once the LCD touchscreen has been calibrated, RedBoot will start. The calibration step can be skipped by pressing
button on the unit (right most button with a curved arrow icon). Additionally, the unit will assume
default values if the screen is not touched within about 15 seconds.
Once RedBoot has started, you should get information similar to this on the LCD screen. It will also appear on the
serial port at 38400,8,N,1.
RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROM]
Non-certified release, version UNKNOWN - built 06:17:41, Mar 19 2001