8 waypoint & database – AvMap EKPIV series User Manual

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8 WAyPoInt & dAtABASe

The EKP-IV uses three types of Waypoints:

Jeppesen Waypoints

are contained in the Compact Flash and include Airport, VOR, NDB and

Intersection Waypoints. Each of these Waypoints is displayed on the Moving Map by an icon. These

Waypoints can be searched in the Database Menu and identified on the Moving Map with Quick

Info or Full Info. Each of these Waypoints can be used in a Flight Plan, for the Nearest Search or

GoTo functions. When used in a Flight Plan, details regarding the Waypoint are displayed in the

Destination box during flight (when DEST is chosen for display in the Data Window, see Par. 3.5.).

Our Jeppesen library is updated every 8 days. The info regarding the Jeppesen cycle (the cycle

number, the validity period Start Date and Expiring Date) displayed on Title page and on About

page. Please contact your local C-MAP office for update orders and pricing.

User-defined Waypoints

(also called User Waypoints) are created by the user. The user can create

unique 8 character names and choose from 16 icons for each waypoint. Waypoints can be created

and edited both on the Moving Map and in the User Waypoint Database page. Like the Jeppesen

Waypoints, they can be used in a Flight Plan, for the Nearest Search or GoTo functions. The EKP-IV

can store up to 1,000 User-Defined Waypoints within the internal memory. The internal waypoint

memory capacity is shared with Flight Plan waypoints; i.e. if you have 15 flight plans with 10

waypoints stored in the unit memory, there is room for 900 User Waypoints.

temporary Waypoints

are created only on the Moving Map and are associated with a particular

Flight Plan. They are named in the format WPT001, WPT00 etc. Temporary Waypoints can be

used at the beginning, middle or end of Flight Plans. They can be used as the destination of a

Direct-To Flight Plan, but cannot be accessed in the Nearest function.

8.1 USeR WAyPoIntS – MovInG MAP

8.1.1 Creating User Waypoints – Moving Map

From the Moving Map the User Waypoint is a saved cursor position. To create a User Waypoint at

the cursor position:


A name is automatically assigned in the format “USRxxx”, where “xxx” is a sequential number. You

may use the default display name, LAT/LON and symbol or edit them.


When editing the waypoint, select the “picture” icon to associate the waypoint with the Waypoint Alarm (See Sec

8.1.2 Saving Present Position – Moving Map Methods

To automatically save your present GPS position as a User Waypoint:

>‘ENTER’ 1 sec.

A name is automatically assigned in the format “USRxxx”, where “xxx” is a sequential number. The

default icon is an X. You may use the default display name, LAT/LON and symbol or edit them.

8.1.3 editing User Waypoints – Moving Map Methods

You can edit the User Waypoint information from the default. From the Moving Map screen: