C2® calibration, C2® calibration -3 it -3 – Hardy WS100 Configuration Software User Manual
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Chapter 1 - Overview
an Allen-Bradley SLC 5/02, 5/03, 5/04 or 5/05 pro-
grammable controller and/or Remote Rack. The HI
100WS is IT enabled which means you can perform
the I
(IT) Tests.
C2 Second Generation Calibration enables a scale
system to be calibrated electronically without using
certified test weights which equal the systems load
capacity. A C2 weighing system consists of up to
eight (8) C2 load sensors, a junction box, interconnect
cable and an instrument with C2 capabilities such as
the HI 1746-WS Weight Scale Module. All Hardy
Instruments C2 certified load sensors contain digital
information detailing its unique performance charac-
teristics. If the system is fitted with C2 type load cells
the HI WS100 software displays the serial numbers
programmed into each load cell. From the serial num-
bers the operator can look up the parameters of each
loadcell by going to the Hardy Instruments Internet
Site. http://www.hardyinst.com
is a system diagnostics
utility which continuously monitors the weighing sys-
tem (with up to 4 load sensors) for possible malfunc-
tions. For full functionality the HI 215IT junction box
(J Box) should be used. Full IT functionality allows
the operator to rapidly troubleshoot a weighing sys-
tem from the HI 100WS Configuration Software,
Parameters Edit Display. The test are:
Loadcell Impedance - The user can see the
impedance determined at calibration (Base
R), the impedance found during the test
(Read R), and the test result (Good or Bad).
also shown are the volts at the loadcells at
calibration (Sense V), and the current going
to the load cells at the time of the reading.
RTZ - (Return to Zero) This test gives a
pass/fail on whether there is a zero load. If
you have a “J Box”, individual load cells can
be tested. If you do not have a :”J Box” the
test is done on the combined loadcells.