Checkline Series-5I User Manual

Page 16

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Model 5i Digital Force / Torque Indicator

User’s Guide


1. Insert the Resource CD supplied with the indicator into the CD/DVD drive in the computer. Then,
navigate in Windows Explorer or My Computer to one of the following folders on the CD:

Windows 2000 through Vista - “Win_2K_XP_S2K3_Vista”

Windows 7 - “Windows_7”

2. Execute the installer application “Mark-10USBInstaller.exe” by double-clicking it. When the program
launches, one of the following windows will appear, depending on the operating system:


Click “Install”.

3. The next screen appears as follows:

Click “Continue Anyway”.

4. After installation completes the following screen may appear in non-Windows 7 operating systems.

Restart the computer before connecting a Mark-10 USB device.

5. After Windows as restarted, plug in the device. The following will occur:

Windows 7 Operating Systems When the Mark-10 USB device has been plugged into a USB
port, the driver will automatically be found. When the driver installation is complete, a message
will appear as follows: “The MARK-10 USB DEVICE driver is now installed and ready to use”.