BendixKing KLX 135 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 133

background image

Estimated position error 4-60
ETA (Estimated time of arrival) 4-43, 4-48, A-1
ETE (Estimated time en route) 4-43, 4-44, A-1


Flashing text i
Flight planning 5-1
Flight Plans

Activating 4-34
Active flight plan 4-31, 4-35, 4-38
Adding waypoints 4-35
Creating 4-32
Deleting 4-37
Deleting waypoints 4-36
Editing 4-35
Flight plan 0 (active flight plan) 4-31, 4-35, 4-38
Inverting 4-34
Operating from the active flight plan 4-38
Rules for use of 4-31
Storing active flight plan as a numbered flight plan 4-37
Utilizing Direct To operation in flight plans 4-41
Viewing distance, ETE, ETA, and DTK of flight plan

waypoints 4-34, 4-43

Viewing waypoint pages for active flight plan 4-41

Flight time 4-48
FPL 0 page 4-38
FPL 1-9 pages 4-32
Frequencies for airport communications 4-52
Frequency entry 3-1
Frequency selection from data base 3-3
First data entry character default 4-13
Fuel planning 5-3



Coverage area 4-1, 5-13
Panel controls 4-0, 4-9
Receiver status 4-60

Groundspeed 4-44


Hours of operation 4-64
How-To Index v
HSI 1-1



Effective Date 3/94

006-08751-0000 Rev 0
