BendixKing KLX 135 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 113

Effective Date 3/94
006-08751-0000 Rev 0
Message Page Messages
Appendix B
OBS Waypoint > 200nm — (OBS mode waypoint greater than 200
nm away) This message is displayed when the KLX 135 is in the
OBS mode and the distance to the active waypoint is more than 200
nautical miles.
Other WPTs Deleted — (Other waypoints deleted) This message is
displayed whenever more than 10 waypoints used in a flight plan
(including the active waypoint) have been deleted.
Position of _______ has Changed -- This message appears when
either the latitude or the longitude of a waypoint used in a flight plan
or the active waypoint has changed by more than .33 minutes as a
result of updating the data base.
Positions of Other WPTs Have Changed -- This message appears
when the above message “ Position of _______ has Changed” would
be effective for more than ten waypoints..
RCVR HW Error: ____ -- (Receiver Hardware Error) This message
appears when the KLX 135 fails a specific internal test for the GPS
receiver. The blank will contain a numberical value which may pro-
vide assistance to maintenance personnel.
Recycle Power to Use Valid Data Base Data -- This message
appears when the date entered on the Initialization page is before the
data base effective date and the date entered later on the SET 2
page is after the data base effective date, or vice versa. Turn the
KLX 135 off and back on so that the correct data base data is utilized.
Satellite Coverage Inadequate for NAV -- This message appears
when the received GPS signals are not adequate for navigation.
Occasions when this message whill be displayed include when there
are an insufficent number of satellites (including altitude input) or
when the satellite geometry is inadequate for accurately determining
position within 3.8 nautical miles.
Search the Sky Acquisition Started -- This message appears when
the GPS receiver is unable to locate satellites in the normal start-up
mode and reverts to a search the sky acquisition. Se section 4.6.
System Time Updated To GPS Time -- This message appears
when the KLX 135 system time is automatically updated to GPS time
by more than 10 minutes.
User Data Lost -- This message appears when the unit determines
that the internal memory backup battery is dead or that some other
internal failure has occurred which has caused all user-entered data
including waypoints, flight plans, airport remarks, etc., to be lost.