How to use this manual, Graphical analysis 3.0 – Vernier Graphical Analysis 3 User Manual

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Graphical Analysis 3.0

How to Use this Manual

This manual is divided into two main sections: the User’s Manual and the Teacher’s Guide. The User’s Manual
includes a quick introduction to the most important features of the program. The Teacher’s Guide contains computer
requirements, how to install the software, details on importing data, suggested uses, and descriptions of the sample data.

Some familiarity with the use of Windows and/or Macintosh computers and a mouse is assumed in this manual.

If this is the first time you are using the Graphical Analysis program, look over the User’s Manual. Refer to the
online help when you want to learn more about other features of the program.

If you want to learn how to install Graphical Analysis on your computer, read “Getting Started” at the beginning of
the Teacher’s Guide. This section explains how to install the Graphical Analysis software.

If you have a particular question about program operation, Graphical Analysis has extensive online help describing
every menu item, every dialog box, and every type of object. To obtain help, choose Graphical Analysis Help from the
Help menu. You can also double-click on an object and select Help from the dialog box.

Tutorials covering popular commands are provided. After you have installed and started Graphical Analysis, choose
Open from the File Menu to access them.